Quarter 3 - Quarter 4/2023, we created it to push coins in the new BRC20 category

In the first quarter of 2024, it pushed fomo before the BTC halving

In the second quarter of 2024, 80% of the followers of this coin branch are negative and there is almost no one to mention anymore when the meme obscures other branches including BRC20.

If you throw away a black code, it will accumulate for another quarter of 3/2024.

I'm quite happy that when writing this article, almost 80% of this branch is in negative mode, kaka.

After many years, I realized one thing: be greedy when most 80% of the crowd is gone.

Timing transactions in the first quarter of 2025 to collect money at the latest.

The average total cable of this system is 1.9 billion dollars, which is too small.