Information About Expert Views

Technical Reason:

Stability and Security: Bitcoin is considered more stable and secure than Ethereum. Bitcoin's blockchain is designed with a very strong Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, while Ethereum is moving from PoW to Proof-of-Stake (PoS), causing some security concerns .Limited Supply: Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million coins, making it a scarce asset. Ethereum does not have a similar supply limit, which could impact long-term value.

Functions and Applications:

Main Function: Bitcoin is primarily viewed as a store of value, similar to "digital gold". Ethereum, meanwhile, is a platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), which are more complex and have many potential risks. Popularity: Although Ethereum has a community With strong development and many practical applications, Bitcoin is still the most widely known cryptocurrency and is accepted by many large financial institutions.


Upgrades and Improvements: Bitcoin is often considered to be mutable and difficult to upgrade due to its community prioritizing stability. Ethereum regularly upgrades to improve performance and features, which can create instability and concerns about security vulnerabilities. Scalability: Ethereum has encountered many scalability issues expansion, leading to high transaction fees and slow processing times as the network becomes congested. Although there are solutions like Ethereum 2.0, the transition is still ongoing and has many challenges.

Policies and Regulations:

Government Approval: Bitcoin has received wider approval from governments and financial institutions than Ethereum. This increases the trust and legitimacy of Bitcoin as a financial asset.

Impact and Meaning

For Investors: Concerns about Ethereum's security, supply, and scalability may reduce investor confidence compared to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is considered a more stable and secure asset for long-term investment. For the Cryptocurrency Market: Differences in beliefs can affect how capital is allocated in the cryptocurrency market, with Bitcoin continuing to dominate as a primary store of value asset. For Community and Development: Ethereum needs to solve technical problems and increase trust from the expert community to be competitive and grow stronger.


Although Ethereum has many potential and practical applications, experts' trust in it is still not as good as Bitcoin. Issues with security, supply, scalability, and government approval are the main factors reducing trust in Ethereum. However, if Ethereum can solve these problems, it still has a great chance to become a powerful platform in the future.

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