Case Information

  • Agency: European Union (EU) Data Supervisory Authority.

  • Problem: ChatGPT, one of the popular AI language models, is still spreading misinformation.

Main content

  1. Reports and Recommendations:

    • The EU's Data Supervisory Authority published a report highlighting that ChatGPT and similar AI models still have difficulty distinguishing accurate information from misinformation.

    • The report recommends stricter controls and monitoring measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information provided by AI models.

  2. Risk of Misinformation:

    • Misinformation can have serious consequences in many areas, including health, politics, and economics.

    • Especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and elections, false information can increase confusion and cause loss of trust in authorities and mainstream media.

  3. AI Developer Responsibilities:

    • The EU Data Supervisory Authority calls on AI developers like OpenAI to strengthen information checking and verification measures.

    • This includes developing fact-checking algorithms, increasing user education on how to use AI responsibly, and collaborating with independent watchdog organizations.

  4. Solution:

    • Fact-Checking Algorithms: Develop algorithms to identify and remove false information before it spreads.

    • Independent Monitoring and Evaluation: Cooperate with independent monitoring organizations to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of information provided by AI.

    • User Education: Increase user education on how to use AI responsibly and how to distinguish accurate information from misinformation.

Impact and Meaning

  • For Users: Users need to be more aware of the risk of misinformation from AI models and learn to check information carefully.

  • For Developers: Developers need to invest more in research and development of information quality control measures.

  • For Governments and Authorities: Specific regulations and guidelines are needed to ensure AI models operate in a transparent and responsible manner.


The EU's Data Supervisory Authority has warned that ChatGPT and similar AI models still pose a risk of spreading misinformation. To solve this problem, close cooperation between AI developers, oversight agencies, and users is needed. Fact-checking and validation measures, along with education and awareness, are important elements in ensuring AI is used responsibly and effectively.

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