Hello everyone, I am Bird Brother (niaovip). Today, many friends who follow me to play Tabi asked me about the 10x exchange of Tabi Phoenix Feather Points $GG, which is not worth paying for. Let me first talk about my own situation. Friends who are familiar with Bird Brother know that I have been playing full-time for 3 years. I have played hundreds of cryptocurrency projects, big and small. We also started playing Tabi last year. We have participated in almost every event of Galaxy's OAT and official website. It can be said that I am covered with medals, so I am qualified to share my views;


I have read the GG airdrop rules in detail and summarized my understanding. You can talk to Bird Brother about how to get airdrops in batches.


GG exchange address: https://tabi.lol/new-world

Instructions: https://blog.tabi.lol/#/article/21

Contract address:




1. There are two ways of redemption, one is 1:10 redemption, which does not require any payment;

2. One is a 1:100 exchange, where each phoenix feather can be exchanged for 100 GGs, but it costs 0.0000333ETH. This is actually equivalent to a disguised I.DO. This is also an innovative way of playing airdrop + I,DO invented by Tabi, allowing users to choose for themselves;

3. The most controversial point is the famous maximum minting limit of 1 trillion coins in the document about this exchange. In fact, the official statement is very clear that the final issuance volume is determined by the minting at the end of the GG exchange activity. It is not a fixed issuance of 1 trillion coins. Many people understand this part as the total issuance volume is 1 trillion coins. Once the accounts are calculated and the paid exchange is made, it is definitely a loss;

4. Then I went to the tabi test network browser to check the contract code. The total minting amount shown was capped at 10 trillion pieces, which was different from the 1 trillion pieces in the document. This may be because the project party wanted to leave enough room. After all, adding a 0 at the end is just a matter of one character.

According to Tabi's financing situation, the most prominent investment institution disclosed so far is Binance, with a financing amount of more than 10 million US dollars. According to past experience, the current valuation should be around 200 million. If the market is good, it is normal for the market value to be more than 1 billion after the token is issued. After all, it is also a public chain. It should be noted that Tabi, like Taiko, is a Chinese team. Taiko's recent anti-slip incident has made everyone somewhat resistant to the projects of Chinese teams, which may affect the future market value (studio dumping), plus there are too many public chains, and the positioning of Tabi's game public chain can only find a sense of existence when GameFi explodes.

I don’t know about others, but I only have more than 2,000 large-sized phoenix feathers. If they are exchanged at a ratio of 1:100, there are only 200,000 GGs. But I see that more than 200 million have been minted so far, which is not too much. There is still a big gap compared to the upper limit of 1 trillion. I don’t know when the minting will end. I guess the project party will stop minting after the minting volume can no longer be increased.

I don’t have any investment advice, and the project owner didn’t give me a dime. If you ask me whether I want to pay to mint, I won’t give you any advice. I can only say that I will pay to mint, at least the big ones will, because I have spent so much experience and time, and I will spend more money to gamble and don’t leave any regrets for myself. Even if I get rejected, I won’t scold, because I am an old guy, isn’t it normal for the test network to be rejected? Even if I get scolded, I can’t scold them all because I participate in hundreds of projects a year. Besides, it’s better to work on more projects if I have that time to scold! What project is not scolded? Starknet was scolded at that time. Whoever followed me to mint at least lost thousands of strks? I can only say that you are too young! Then don’t think that the Phoenix Feather mission has too much weight. I think it is just a part of the airdrop, including the nodes. The previous mermaids and great voyages will be counted into the weight. You can see what activity assets your account has. I think the biggest weight should be the gold box and silver box, followed by magic books and dinosaur eggs. The exchange of Phoenix Feathers this time means that the number of addresses participating in this event is the largest, so Phoenix Feathers will be exchanged for GG, which is a disguised ID.O. So as long as Tabi doesn’t check the witch, the brothers in the studio will thank God! Asset page: https://tabi.lol/account

The above content is all just speculation and may not be the final result. Make your own decision!

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Author: niaovip

Reprinted from the official account: Airdrop Scientist

This article only represents the author’s personal views and is for reference only. It does not constitute investment advice. Please contact the author for reprinting.