**Attention: $PEOPLE - Huge failure in emergency short selling**

It's time for a serious discussion about the#peopletoken. Initially, it was associated with an ambitious and unprecedented project: purchasing the original copy of the United States Constitution. However, this goal was never achieved and since then the project has lost all momentum, leaving a token without any real potential.

Here's why I recommend shortening#peoplewithout hesitation:

#first. A project with no future

The PEOPLE-led DAO Constitution Project failed to achieve a Constitution. Since this debacle, no specific initiatives have been launched to breathe new life into this token. The project's creators abandoned ship, leaving the community without direction or plans for the future.

#2. NO Potential

Unlike other tokens with obvious utility (DeFi, NFTs, etc.),#peopleoffers nothing tangible. It does not facilitate transactions, does not support an ecosystem, and offers no special functionality. Therefore, it is difficult to see how this token can find its place in the market long term. Additionally, it lacks the appeal or charm of Dogecoin or Shiba Inu, which thrive on a strong community and fun, viral aspect. people seriously lack this viral and entertaining dimension.

# Finally, $PEOPLE is not speculative. Its value lies in a dead project, with no innovation coming and a continuously decreasing transaction volume. For investors looking to profit from volatility or potential growth.