Remember Genopets on $SOL One more quick reminder personally for myself why always need to check everything with my own indicator set! I made a mistake and not out in a right time
Possible Targets and explanation idea 
➡️W tf. We close all Weekly Order Flow and sweep liquidity pool 
➡️Clear signal to buy on W in October 2023 and at 27 level fib 2 signals out of this coin 
➡️During May August and October 2023 whales inflow money in Gene 
➡️Than we can see money outflow signal on W 
➡️Now need to see new money inflow and we sit around 0.86 lvl 
➡️Fundamental value of this coin marked by TakeProfit indicator 
➡️All lines are dynamic but take profit also marked 
➡️ All targets for middle term targets