Personal Thoughts on the Crypto Market...

We have approved Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs...

As the months go by, these ETFs will naturally absorb high amounts of these two currencies and thus the current will decrease (amount that remains on the market available for purchase; e.g. Binance, Uniswap,...)...

Everything points to the end of the year and next year the American interest rate will fall...

A drop in interest rates leads people to leave fixed income and expose themselves to more risk, with this resulting in a significant part coming to the Crypto Market...

Low amounts of Bitcoin and Ethereum tokens for purchase and many people wanting to buy = Huge Highs...

After buying Bitcoin and Ethereum, most people tend to start going further and buying other Altcoins (other Cryptocurrencies/tokens)

This creates a true bull market where those who are truly prepared or have a good mentor can make excellent profits, often literally changing their lives.

#Binance #bitcoin #ethereum #sec #solana