Recently, OpenAI launched a new generation of GPT-4o, which has once again attracted attention to AI. The share price of AI hardware seller Nvidia has also exceeded $1,000, and its market value has climbed to $2.6 trillion. AI continues to affect every aspect of our lives.

In the cryptocurrency industry, the market is gradually recovering from the lows. The approval of the Ethereum spot ETF has brought more funds and attention to the entire market. Investors generally believe that the crypto market is about to start a real bull market. As the best performing track in this cycle, AI+ Web3 will inevitably have a more impressive performance.

ALIENX, a public chain project in the AI ​​track, has officially launched its testnet and held multiple events, bringing rich airdrop rewards to testnet users. This is a rare zero-cost participation opportunity.

ALIENX brings new direction to the development of public chains

ALIENX has been introduced in previous articles. It is the first high-performance staking blockchain project driven by AI nodes jointly launched by Alienswap, Offchain Labs and Caldera. It supports BTC, ETH, ARB, SOL and a variety of NFTs for staking profit. It has completed two rounds of financing totaling US$17 million from institutions such as OKX.

ALIENX is mainly designed for large-scale applications of NFT and blockchain games. The use of AI nodes on the blockchain has many advantages, such as solving the DApp data ownership problem, ensuring the source and credibility of data, etc. In addition, the real data on the chain can also be used in the training process of AI large models, thereby improving AI's ability to process data.

In addition, ALIENX can improve the performance and stability of the public chain while ensuring security. AI can automatically take measures to deal with abnormalities in the chain by monitoring the data on the chain, ensuring that there will be no security incidents on the chain, and detecting the security of the contracts deployed on the chain to prevent malicious DApps from stealing user assets, thereby protecting the security of users' assets.

From many aspects, the integration of AI and blockchain nodes will be a major advancement, and ALIENX will also shine in this field. ALIENX has also recently launched a testnet airdrop event to prepare for the upcoming mainnet launch.

ALIENX Testnet Airdrop Activity Content

According to the official plan and roadmap, ALIENX is mainly divided into three phases:

  • The first phase is the release of ALIENX and the AEP NFT airdrop, which has now ended

  • The second phase is $AIX airdrop, social mining, node sales and staking rewards

The third phase is the launch of the ALIENX mainnet and AIX’s TGE, which is planned to be launched in June.

Currently, it is the second phase. In addition to AIX airdrops, mining, and staking, the testnet activity is also a crucial test of the functions before the mainnet goes online to ensure that the ALIENX ecosystem can operate normally.

At the same time, we speculate that the ALIENX HAL testnet airdrop event may be the last airdrop event before the mainnet is launched. In addition, the event mainly uses test coins, so there is almost no cost. For 0-cost players, this opportunity should not be missed.

The ALIENX HAL testnet activity started on May 24 and will last for 3 weeks. Participants can earn $ALIENX by completing testnet functions, including completing social tasks to receive test coins, swaps, pledges, and deploying contracts. $ALIENX is an important basis for exchanging mainnet tokens in the future.

In addition to completing tasks, you can also invite friends to participate in the testnet activities. Inviting friends can get 5% of $ALIENX airdrops, with no upper limit.

ALIENX has also recently launched a staking activity. By participating in social interactions and staking tokens, in addition to obtaining corresponding staking rewards, you can also obtain vAIX rewards. Joining a team can further increase the reward amount.

ALIENX's current AI Node is still on sale. Participants can obtain token rewards by purchasing the AI ​​Node and running the node after the mainnet is launched. At the same time, the AI ​​Node will also support functions such as transfer transactions.

Airdrop Tutorial

1. Go to the website, and you can see the current official airdrop activity tasks, which are mainly social tasks, test network function usage, and smart contract deployment tasks. Social tasks include joining DC and following Twitter to post tweets, etc. The operation is simple and will not be introduced here.

2. Mint test coin

Complete the transfer first, then click mint to add the test network

After adding the test network, click mint again to complete the collection of the test NFT.

3. Test coin cross-chain

First, we need to collect a small amount of test coins from the Sepolia test network. The test coin collection website is:

  • You need to have 0.001ETH on the Ethereum mainnet, and you can get 0.1 test coins for free

  • The mainnet also requires 0.001 ETH

  • You need to verify your GitHub account and you can get 0.25 test coins

  • You need to register an infura account to receive it

Open the cross-chain page: Log in with your wallet, switch the test network to Sepolia, enter the number of test coins, reserve a portion of the gas fee, click bridge, and wait for confirmation on the chain.

After completion, return to the task page for verification.

4. Complete the pledge

Open the pledge page:, log in with your wallet.

Staking supports Ethereum, Arbitrum, BTC and Solana chains. Here we can choose Arbitrum chain and stake a small amount of assets. At present, in the treasure box activity of ALIENX, if you stake no less than 20u of assets, you can also get a treasure box and open vAIX tokens after the pledge is completed (click the treasure box link on the pledge page), which is also an important reference for subsequent airdrops.

5. Deploy smart contracts

The official has very considerately provided documents for deploying contracts. There are mainly three tools: Foundry, Hardhat and Remix. Here we choose Remix.

Open the Remix webpage Select ZH Chinese in the upper right corner

Then import the smart contract code and choose one at random, such as OpenZeppelin's ERC20 code, and the smart contract code interface will appear on the left.

Select the mytoken_tset.sol file on the left and modify the token name, code, precision and total amount

Click the Compile button on the left, select the Use Configuration File option in Advanced Configuration, click Compile and execute the script. After the script is completed correctly, there will be a green √ on the left, indicating that the compilation has been completed, as shown in the figure:

After the compilation is complete, click the Deploy button on the left, select the environment as Injected Provider - Metamask, log in with the Metamask wallet, click the orange Deploy button, wait for the Metamask pop-up window, and confirm

After completion, you can return to the task page to submit

6. Buy NFTs

Open alienswap, switch to the HAL testnet, and select a suitable NFT, such as Spellkey

Click to purchase. If the test currency ETH is not enough, you can obtain it through cross-chain through the previous method.

Complete payment

Submitting a task

7. Open the spellbox and receive the treasure box

Open the website https://spellguru.AI?refer_code=cPUoqdK Switch the network to Arbitrum, connect the wallet, complete the social tasks on the left, and you can see the number of treasure chests on the right.

Click on the open available spellbox on the right, spend about 0.3u of gas fee, open the treasure box, complete the task, and return to the page to submit the task.

After completing the task, you can claim $ALIENX tokens to your wallet.

8. Free minting of VAIX Web3 NFT

In addition, alienswap also provides users with additional free NFT minting, which ends after 15 days, and we only need to pay a small gas fee to get it.

Go to the casting page

Switch the network to Arbitrum, log in, and click Mint Now


Judging from the team's actions, ALIENX has launched multiple open 0-cost airdrop activities since this year. The team rejects PUA and uses real money to attract players to participate in the ecosystem, bringing real benefits and airdrop opportunities to users. Its structure is also more likely to be recognized by the market.

From the perspective of project development prospects and innovation, blockchain combined with AI is an important trend for future development. From the user's perspective, it can not only ensure security, but also improve efficiency. AI promotes the technological progress of blockchain, thereby promoting the large-scale application of blockchain technology to become a reality.

ALIENX has brought significant impact to the blockchain by combining AI and staking nodes, and has provided a higher-performance experience environment for DApps such as NFT, GameFi, SocialFi, etc. in its ecosystem, thereby prompting DApps to launch better user experience, which also plays a very important role in promoting blockchain.

  1. There are fewer and fewer deterministic testnet airdrops now, and more are airdrops based on the amount of funds and pledges. Retail investors have no advantage in this situation. As the first public chain project combined with AI, ALIENX has great potential in the future. The testnet is a rare opportunity to participate. It is recommended that everyone participate and don’t miss it. Those who are capable can also participate with multiple accounts.