#撸毛 #空投分享 #MegadropLista #热门内容

Just discovered a hidden giant, this thing is likely to be listed on Binance!

I didn't find any financing, but after looking at the information, I found it was awesome:

Current LINGO Airdrop Islands Activity



Tutorial Start

1. Project Introduction

Lingo is a gamified, RWA-driven reward ecosystem. The team consists of former executives from Binance, Consensys, Google, Microsoft, etc., and the existing investment institutions are also top-notch.


For the RWA ecosystem, Lingo has strategic partners such as NIKE, Uber, Starbucks, PS5, and a network of more than 100,000 hotels.


2: Detailed tutorial of interaction steps

There are five island missions (five chapters) in total.

Part 3: LINGO Islands Interaction Ape Rock Island Tutorial

1: Official website: lingoislands.com/?invite=IO9LK

Click the button to jump to the activity interface


2: Click on the first Ape Rock island

Enter the task interface of obtaining boarding pass

(Indicates where the airdrop begins)


3: Complete the binding of TW, follow Lingocoins official account,

And the task of binding the mailbox (and go to the mailbox and click to complete the verification)


4: After completing the basic tasks,

Click on the left to receive the airdropped flight ticket (admission ticket)

And return to select other island missions (other chapters)


IV: Interactive HOLD HAVEN and DEGEN ISLAND Tutorial

1: Select HOLD Haven on the island interface.

(You don't need to finish Chapter 2)


2: Reffer10 user completes the second island mission (optional)

Then click visit DEGEN ISLAND

Enter the third island mission (Chapter 3)


3: Complete the third island mission:

Bind DC and join LINGO official DC


4: After joining DC, complete the verification.

Then return to the page above to check that the task of joining DC is complete


5. LINGO Islands Interaction DEGEN ISLAND Tutorial

1: Complete the five social tasks on the bottom right

① Create creative memes about Lingo

(RWA, real value generation, ease of use, etc.)

② Create a post with Lingo content and tag @Lingocoins

Or get extra points by getting likes from the official account

③ Interact with official posts to get extra points

(Each post will be different, it is recommended to add a small bell to interact frequently)

④ Change DC/X nickname, the name with LINGO will get extra points

⑤ Participate in the official AMA

2: After earning Airmiles points, you can participate in the lucky draw to win a card

3: After the drawn cards are combined into mythical cards, you can share an additional 40% of the exclusive airdrops.


The remaining islands are Diamond Island and Whale Island

(Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 missions) Not yet available

I will update the tutorial after the mission is opened.

That’s all for today.
Remember to forward and share it with your friends who love pets.

For more interactive tutorials on airdrop projects, please follow Kaka Crypto Research Society. Thank you~