Yesterday, ETH was directly called to enter the market and go long at 3700. Didn’t you miss anything? The logic is simple and the points are clear. The current profit has exceeded 70 points, which is a huge profit in the short term.

Ether ETF is different from Bitcoin. It is not listed immediately after passing the approval, so there is no continuous selling pressure from Grayscale. Instead, it is a continuous realization of good news, which gives the main force the opportunity to continue to make the market. Therefore, the retracement is an opportunity for layout. Don’t FOMO when it rises and FUD when it falls.

The subsequent market is dominated by oscillating upwards. The overall idea is still to go long at the key position of retracement. There is no reason for a continuous decline. Good news is always good news. Bitcoin ETF has almost doubled from 38,000 after that. There is much more room for Ethereum.

The trend has come out. Abandon the short-selling mentality and follow the market. This market is still dominated by bulls. At present, long orders can be reduced to protect and continue to hold. The further target of 3850 remains unchanged.