#EDUChain #Web3教育 #EDU

EDU has seen an astonishing increase in recent times, from a relative low of 0.48 more than a month ago to $1.2, a 2.5-fold increase.

EDU was launched on Binance Launchpad on April 28. Its historical high was $1.69 and its current price is $1.05.

EDU price fluctuations

What is EDU Chain?

EDU Chain is an L3 blockchain built for education. It is a blockchain + web3 education platform that aims to build educational infrastructure and change the education industry through blockchain technology.

EDU Chain hopes to cultivate a learning environment for users through token rewards, so that learners of all ages can improve their learning skills, earning ability and employment competitiveness through its Dapp.

Relevant data reports show that by 2030, the global market size of blockchain technology in the education field is expected to grow from the current US$120 million to US$3 billion.

EDU Chain is bringing the education industry into the blockchain, building an open campus, redefining “learning to make money”, linking the learning experience with money-making opportunities, and allowing the learning process to be tracked on the blockchain.

EDU is its project token, the native gas token, with a total supply fixed at 1 billion;

It can be used for DAO governance voting, purchasing on-chain assets and services, etc. Operators who deploy educational blockchain nodes will also receive EDU rewards.

EDU Chain is an L3 educational blockchain

What are the ways to play on the EDU Chain platform?

There are platform layer and financial layer on EDU Chain, including various DAPPs such as Open Campus ID, Publisher NFT tokenization protocol and DeFi infrastructure.

Learners can interact directly with education dApps powered by Open Campus ID on the application layer to gain personalized learning experiences, credential portability, and rewards.

Developers or institutions can build educational tools and product services at the platform level to provide learners with more effective educational content services.

The financial layer provides liquidity pools and staking protocols, providing financial rewards to users who support the LP ecosystem.

EDU Chain opens a new way of WEB3 education

An important product of the EDU Chain ecosystem is the Open Campus ID.

Open Campus Card provides a decentralized identifier protocol that shapes learners’ reputation and identity, with each learning record storing verifiable credentials, academic certificates, degrees, .edu domain names, and OC points on the EDU chain.

Perhaps in the future, your learning results will not be reflected by a university diploma, but by your learning records, points and certificates on the chain. For example, you can now go to Open Campus to get an ID and get learning and reward opportunities.

Open Campus ID

Learners can obtain more open and fair learning resources and opportunities on EDU Chain, listen to courses taught by excellent professors from all over the world, and obtain corresponding academic certificates, and even corresponding NFT rewards and matching job opportunities;

Tool developers or content providers can build and share corresponding services on the platform, provide content for learners, and receive rewards and support from the system;

In addition, you can also provide liquidity support and node building services for the system, and provide services for the development of the on-chain ecosystem to obtain corresponding rewards.

For example, you can obtain Genesis NFTs such as Golden Backpack and Silver Notebook, and you can get EDU airdrops and additional rewards by holding and staking.

The benefits of holding NFTs

What problem does EDU Chain solve?

Open Campus's mission is to transform the education system into a fairer and more open one.

①Change the way of education and the allocation of educational resources.

Open campuses can make educational resources no longer centralized, instead of being concentrated in certain universities. Professors and teachers become decentralized and mobile, and educators can monetize their intellectual property.

Knowledge creators and content publishers monetize knowledge by publishing NFTs, encouraging more people to create content and popularize knowledge.

② Allow everyone to enjoy equal educational resources and learn independently to obtain skill certificates.

EDU Chain provides autonomous education and learning identity authentication. Learners can obtain permissionless educational network resources and will not be rejected by a certain university. Everyone can obtain the same educational content.

Anyone who wants to learn independently can get open and equal educational opportunities, and the door to universal education is opening.

web3 EducationOpen Campus

Blockchain technology will ultimately change the way humans produce and live.

The web3 education narrative is grand. If Open Campus is successful, human education methods will face tremendous reform and optimization. Everyone will have access to more equitable and open educational resources, truly achieving equal educational thresholds for everyone.

EDU Chain is building a brand new education network. EDU is also in its initial stage. Perhaps it is creating a new world. We will have to wait for time to reveal it.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chuxiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.