Anatoly Yakovenko, the founder of Solana, has issued a warning on some community statements that could propagate the “Ethereum-killer” meme.
The creator of Solana, Anatoly Yakovenko, warned the public in a post on the X app not to start a cold war between Ethereum (ETH) and other protocols, such as Solana (SOL), which are colloquially called “ETH Killer.”
The Coexistence of SOL and ETH
Yakovenko believes that spreading stories like this to disparage Ethereum is pointless since it damages the ecosystem. He proposed that protocols might coexist peacefully, without conflict or mutually fatal dangers.
According to Solana’s co-founder,
Pareto efficient technologies can have overlapping features and will compete, but that’s all ok. I don’t see a future where solana thrives and somehow eth dies.

Additionally, Anatoly expressed hope for a time when Solana’s data will be accommodated by ample bandwidth thanks to a technology called “Danksharding,” which enables blockchain technology to add cheaper blocks. To put it in context, danksharding is an Ethereum rollup scaling technique that increases transactional throughput by giving roll-up transactions more storage space.
Yakovenko’s Ethereum statement emphasizes how SOL and ETH may coexist peacefully, even overlapping at times.
Founder of Solana Dashes ETH Rivalry Push
Although the industry is beginning to praise Solana, Yakovenko has cautioned the community not to foster unwholesome competition on the Ethereum network.
At that time, Rune Christensen, the CEO and co-founder of MakerDAO, revealed plans to split the protocol’s NewChain off of Ethereum and onto the Solana blockchain. Proponents of Solana who viewed the transition as a competition of the best reacted in some ways to the news.
Yakovenko saw right away that open source has won in general. He then proceeded in saying,
I really hope that people in the Solana community don’t use this as some cudgel to attack Ethereum.
By calling it a “Coallition of poors and wealthy ppl who don’t understand where value actually comes from or how to create it, just that the things I want should be cheap,” an Ethereum community member going by the handle jebus.eth attempted to poke fun at Solana in October.
The co-founder of Solana, however, was quick to reply, highlighting the fact that his protocol aims to create a fully stateless digital space where people can freely communicate and transact with each other without interference from government surveillance or capitalist middlemen.