The chart of $AEVO /USDT shows that the price is currently at around 0.857. Let's consider possible scenarios for the development of events:

Positive Scenario (Bullish):

Breakout up: If the price breaks the current resistance level, then the following levels are worth paying attention to:

1,000 (psychological level)1,499 (strong resistance)1,7121,9992,4992,9993,4943,694

Growth target: Maximum growth potential to the level of 2.822, which corresponds to an increase of 328.58% from current values.

Negative scenario (Bearish):

Price fall: If the price cannot stay at the current level and goes down, then the nearest support levels:


Target for decline: Possible reduction to the level of 0.645, which corresponds to a fall of 24.72% from current values.

Current recommendations:

Buy: Consider entering a position if the resistance level at 0.857 is confidently broken and upward movement is confirmed. Sell/Stop Loss: Set a stop loss below the 0.857 level to limit losses in the event of a negative scenario.

General conclusions:

The bullish scenario assumes significant growth potential to 2.822 with intermediate resistance levels. The bearish scenario assumes a fall to 0.645 if the current support level fails to break through.