It's already the weekend, and the market is still going to do something at midnight. It's been a good tug of war in the range, and it's still a little bit of a slap when it's late at night. The big cake gave a pull-up of more than a thousand points to 69273, but it was still within the controllable range and did not have much impact on the midnight high-level Kongdan; the concubine was merciless and gave a pull-up of dozens of points. The concubine Kongdan, who was also arranged at midnight, was directly eliminated by 34 points. Now that it's the weekend, the market may still follow the old tradition of Asahi's horizontal pan. Friends who haven't found a suitable point to leave the factory for the time being should hold it patiently.

Although the midnight big cake market gave a pull-up of nearly a thousand points, it can be seen from the hourly level that the market went up to the edge of the upper track and gave pressure, and ultimately failed to form a position, and the market failed to complete the transformation from weakness to strength. At present, it has been given a horizontal pan again. The market is now in a medium-high position in the range, and there is still a certain space below. The Silk Road will first look at the backtest in the afternoon.

Big pancake: 68700-69000 kong, see 68000

Aunt: 3750-3765 kong, see 3700#BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB