#BTC走势分析 $BTC

🔔 🔔 🔔BTC Market Overview 🔔 🔔 🔔

How is BTC doing recently? Don't worry, let me explain! 🔥🔥🔥

BTC current analysis ideas:

1-hour level shows a callback trend,

🔔🔔🔔2-4 hour levels show long orders

Current 1-hour long and short price: 68808.0, near this position.

🔔🔔🔔If this price can be occupied, the callback will end, and the long orders will remain exciting. The upper target position is: 69012.6-69278.5-69717.2.

🔔🔔🔔If the upward movement does not break the current long and short prices, short orders will be displayed, and the target position below is around: 68621.8-68329.9-68002.8.

🔔🔔🔔Friends! Remember, contracts are risky, orders must be made with caution, and hard work leads to poverty in the currency circle!


Risk control

There are several types of intraday short-term

1: Some use the 1-minute chart to grab the hat

2: Some use the 3-minute chart to make small waves;

3: Some use the 15-minute chart to make intraday trends.

If the price breaks through the half-hour highest price, go long,

If the price falls below the half-hour lowest price, go short.

If the price jumps high and falls below yesterday's highest price, go short;

If the price opens low and breaks yesterday's lowest price, go long.

Fund management model:

"A single loss does not exceed 2% of the total funds."

Whenever you enter the market, you should set a stop loss order. If you do the opposite, the stop loss order will take you out of the market, and you will not lose too much.

The profit reaches 2 times the stop loss. This is a principle of exiting the market. Secondly, close the position as soon as the trend shows signs of pausing.


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