@Everyone 5.25 Saturday BTC ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions,

Current price of Bitcoin is 68500, Ethereum is 3711. Let's look at Bitcoin weekly line first. Bitcoin still did not break through the upward range strongly. It pulled back again when it touched the pressure level, and did not break through the previous 74000. The expected shock here will run between 66000 and 69000, which is good for the later market. Bitcoin is fundamentally difficult to have a sharp decline here. It can only be consolidation, or a slight pullback, and indicators such as macd have turned around, so our spot position bought at 6w still needs to wait and sell at the target position, just like people, when it arrives, don't hesitate to sell it!

Then we still maintain the bullish view on the daily line. If it touches the lower daily support, you can continue to increase the leverage. If it doesn't reach it, don't increase the position too much! The daily line is already running above the 0 axis, and all it takes is time! Then, for the contract players, the main long position is still maintained. The short-term pressure level of Bitcoin is 69900 71500 and the support level is 67300 65900.

It is worth mentioning Ethereum here. Because the ETF was passed, it went through an expected market trend and rushed to 3900, but it did not stabilize. If you want to make another effort later, you need to continue to consolidate above 3680, and accelerate the divergence to break through this round of new highs! Those who have positions should pay attention to 4100. The 3950 mentioned above has been touched. Those who don’t have positions should pay attention to the two positions of 3580 and 3660! For this kind of short wave, control your position yourself! The short-term pressure level of Ethereum is 3840 3950 and the support level is 3660 3580! Recently, the blogger has a lot of miscellaneous things, and there are relatively few strategies#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #ETH #山寨币热点