Liang Xi is predicting the third coin to pass ETF, which is interesting

The SEC finally expressed its position after the two cookies passed ETF.

This was just set in stone, and then the big cookie was sucked dry, and the same is true for various copycats.

In fact, everyone knew before that only the big cookie and the two cookies were considered not securities.

So it is only a matter of time before these two ETFs are passed.

Everyone is now starting to speculate which coin will pass the third ETF, which is a bit difficult.

Because there is no third futures ETF now, it was used as a reference before.

SOL, which has a high voice, is also defined as a security, so it is difficult to get an ETF at present.

But I don’t think there is a need for so many ETFs, two are enough.

The big cookie is like the market index, and now the two cookies make up for it.

Although it is possible to launch other ETFs, it is estimated that it will take a long time.

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