1. Opensea's NFT is limited to 48 hours, and one account can only mint one. Free mint only requires the Base chain to have ETH as the gas fee, and the gas is about 0.02U. This can increase the data activity of the Warpcast account.

Opensea NFT link: https://warpcast.com/opensea/0xcfea108e

2. If you haven’t joined the Spark’s Warpcast group yet, you can click the link to join. It will be more convenient for everyone to follow each other. Remember to follow Brother Qingshui.

Spark Warpcast fan group: https://warpcast.com/~/group/MEoKPbn0bXiCRcE29X_u2Q

Three: Some key points of Warpcast interaction:

1. Currently, the total number of Warpcast accounts is less than 400,000. Since the number is small, you can log in with multiple accounts on one mobile phone.

2. If your Warpcast account has 400 Warps, you can use 400 Warps to invite your own trumpet, saving the 5U registration fee. The entrance is on the homepage of the mobile terminal, click the Add Contacts icon in the upper right corner, and then click: Gift a Farcaster account instead, generate a new invitation code, register with this invitation code, and save the 5U registration fee.

3. The account is required to have an avatar, name, and introduction, and the account must have at least 400 followers. It is also recommended to keep posting, commenting, liking, and converting for others. You can also participate in Minting some free NFTs to increase the activity of the account.

4. For the main account (not recommended for the secondary account), if conditions permit, you can consider purchasing more than 10,000 $degen tokens (purchased with ETH of the Base chain, about 250U), which can be purchased on Uniswap.

Uniswap link: https://app.uniswap.org/swap

$degen contract address: 0x4ed4E862860beD51a9570b96d89aF5E1B0Efefed

5. The Warpcast account binds the ETH and Solana addresses in the background.