$FTM 📣📣【Market Strategy Revealed】FTM Market Trend Interpretation📣📣

🔥🔥FTM is currently hot, are you ready? 🔥🔥

Analysis ideas:

2-4 hour level is in a short position trend.

1 hour level is in a sideways consolidation state, and the current 4 hour price is: around 0.8164. 🐍qu1n Free of charge ➕ Only find me Cfst888🌟🌟🌟

Operation strategy:

Good opportunity to do more: If the price can stand firm and the sideways movement begins to rise, then this will be a small-level long opportunity. The key points above are: 0.8288 and 0.8429. Once these two prices are reached or approached, it will be a great time to buy.

Short warning: However, if the sideways movement cannot rise to the 4-hour price, then short orders may dominate. At this time, the key points of the lower position are: 0.8011 and 0.7937. You need to pay close attention to these points in order to seize the opportunity to short in time.

🚨🚨Challenger reminds: In contract trading, remember that defense comes first and profit comes second. Only by ensuring that risks are controllable can you make steady profits and realize the real "egg-eating" strategy. I wish you good results in the FTM market! 💪🚀Follow me, this week's live broadcast, one-on-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, find me to see the comments below to find an assistant #FTM.24小时交易策略 #FTM.智能策略库🥇🥇 #FTM.每日智能策略 #ftm #FTM