Look at the 24-hour liquidation ratio

Big pie with long orders liquidated for $58 million

Ether is as high as 105 million dollars

Mainly blast multiple orders

In fact, there are stories every day in the currency circle. Why are positions liquidated?

This situation of rapidly jumping back and forth and inserting the pin

If you don’t place a stop loss, will it matter no matter how fast you move?

Yesterday I opened an order for Ether. As long as Ether rises, I will post a notification and move the stop loss level up.

Although I didn’t get everything, I still got more than 70 points of profit.

The simplest way during the profit period is to move the stop loss

Don’t have the mentality of going up after going down. Small positions are another matter. If you need to stop the loss, stop the loss.

I have mentioned this stop loss many times. I hope brothers will learn from it and gain wisdom. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC #美众议院通过FIT21法案