🚀📈 Interesting events on the market‼️

1️⃣ We are seeing an increase in the number of non-empty#stablecoinwallets, which can be a good sign during periods of market correction. In 2024, the number of non-empty#USDCoinwallets grew by +13.9%, and#Tetherwallets grew by +15.7%.

2️⃣ Whale activity is noted in the#AIsector, and#Renderdid not stand aside. A known whale sent 4.89 million $RNDR (worth $52.1 million) to an unknown wallet, causing increased volatility. Holders of this asset should monitor events.

3️⃣ Over the past 17 days, demand from retail players to purchase BTC has decreased by 31%. The situation with GameStop and the Ethereum ETF shows changes in investor preferences.

4️⃣ Analysis of the heat map of#BTCfunding rates shows stable funding of about 10% per annum. The market remains resilient and there is high interest in BTC.

5️⃣ Overall demand for BTC remains at very high levels, reminiscent of the hype before the start of the 2016 bull rally. Considering the current price of $67K, the volume of finance in the market indicates strong interest in the cryptocurrency.

Follow the news, stay updated and continue to study market dynamics! 🚀💰

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