This time, the short position of BTC7.13 was opened at the second highest point, but this is all in the past. Those who followed and those in the circle also made a lot of money. Next, I want to talk about the focus of the next market‼ ️

After the ETF incident in the early morning, there was a quick pin, which killed a lot of bulls, and then rebounded to 3800⚠️⚠️ Whether it is the position or the callback ratio, ETH is less than BTC‼ ️

So ETH will still have to make up for the decline. After the incident is implemented, funds will slowly withdraw from ETH, and then it will be a real compensatory decline. I also analyzed this in advance in last night’s article‼ ️

So ETH with short orders may have higher short-term returns than BTC with short orders‼ ️#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 $BTC $ETH