Friday, Ethereum, Bitcoin, operation ideas!

Looking at the past K-lines, we can see each other vaguely. Not all experiences have to be written down into paragraphs, and not all footprints have to be written down into verses to be etched in the memory, which may be beautiful. It is impossible for me to rewrite the pattern after the adoption of Ethereum ETF, nor can I reverse your determination to be stubborn and let others live on their own trajectory, just like investors trying to change the direction of the market. Don’t you know that following the trend is also an attitude and strategy? , those who expect to gain profits by changing the market have long been eliminated. Only those who know how to follow can survive.

Much attention has finally come to an end. Following the Bitcoin ETF, the Ethereum ETF has also initially passed the 19b-4 document (industry guidelines). Although not all of them have passed the ETF review, it has been basically determined that the path of Ethereum’s ETF will be After opening it, all that is left is to wait for the review of the S-1 document applied by the individual institution. The review time ranges from a few days to a few months. The short-term Ethereum ETF will not go online, nor will it bring over-the-counter purchases. At the same time, , after preliminary approval, Ethereum will experience Sell the news in the short term, which is the process of digesting selling pressure after the good news is released. Pay attention to short-term fluctuations.

Many people ask why the Ethereum market is still falling after passing the ETF?

In fact, this is just like the big pie passed through ETF before. When the expected speculation is over, all that is left is a chicken feather, and the bookmakers will also take advantage of this wave of good news to complete the shipment. In the early morning, Ethereum went through a wave of heaven and earth movements. It can be said that whether you are short or long, you may be involved.

Yesterday, we publicly reminded everyone to go short and watch 3500, and the idea was fulfilled! Also verified history again! Fans who keep up, all take off and get blood back! During the day operation, Ultraman still looks at the shock range, which is first short and then long. After all, if the needle is inserted last night, the market structure will change.

From the 4-hour level, the K-line has been negative for 4 consecutive years and will still be adjusted downward in the short term. Last night, the downward trend directly broke the position. Although it was quickly recovered, it did not stand firm above. The short trend is increasing, so we can Rebound first and continue to be bearish, then step back and step on Duo! Big pie, pressure is 69500, support is 66000. Ether, pressure is 3920, support is 3500. The middle position does not move, both ends are high and low!Those who understand will understand!

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