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My brother lost 4.5 million in three years. My parents won't let me in and want to cut off relations with me. The only way to save a gambler is to cut off contact

Perhaps, I will be labeled as an ungrateful person by many people. Even my parents want to cut off relations with me. No matter what they say, it doesn't matter because they are too deeply obsessed.

A long time ago, he often asked me for money, and I also found out that the living expenses given by my parents every month are not low, a full 3,000 yuan. How much can a student spend? Not to mention that he also has internship wages. I heard a lot of reasons, either fighting with someone or dating someone. Because of the first confession experience, I have been defensive against my brother. Every time he said a reason, I would ask him to prove it to me. Didn't you say you were dating someone? You record a video together and show it to me. If you don't give me a video for more than half an hour, then the lie will be broken. Didn't you say you had a fight? Either show me the wound, or show me someone else's wound. He couldn't provide it, which made me more certain of my guess. I just reminded him in writing, remembering the previous lessons, because my brother is an adult, and many words said too directly will hurt his self-esteem.

Two years ago, my mother called me, and asked me nothing, but she didn't tell me about my brother when she got home. He owed more than 500,000 yuan, and my mother wanted me to pay the money. My husband also agreed to pay the money. He didn't want to see his brother-in-law fall into this trap. My husband is an honest man, diligent and hardworking. Although he made money in business, he also worried about it. His money was hard to earn. As a wife, I saw it in my eyes and felt pain in my heart. I firmly opposed my mother's request. I told them that I had helped him once before and gave him 30,000 yuan. It was he who didn't cherish the opportunity. My mother said, your brother is still young, what can he understand? If family members don't help family members, outsiders will laugh at us. He is also your brother and has a blood relationship with you.

To be honest, I feel disgusted when I hear this. Even if we are blood relatives, it depends on the matter and whether it is worth helping. If my brother wants to start a company and invest in a business, I will take whatever I have, and this is gambling. What is gambling?I told my mother that it was a scam and drug abuse. My mother didn't listen and insisted on making trouble. I only left one sentence, I will pay you the living expenses at the end of the month on time, and I will satisfy you with whatever you want to eat. My brother will find a way to pay his debts. After that, I took my husband away. Maybe I will be criticized for writing this article. It doesn't matter. I just know that my husband's money is not blown by the wind. My brother will help, but how to help? If he really quits gambling and shows me his performance for a few years, I will help him without him saying anything. Helping him now will harm him. Helping him will only give him more funds to gamble, which will not only waste my husband's hard-earned money, but also make my brother dependent on us.

My husband also asked me if I was too cold-blooded. It was because he was too kind that I couldn't bear it. I know how hard it was for my husband to make money when he just started his business. When I was pregnant, my parents never came to see me for a day. My husband took care of me while working and had to endure my bad mood. I love my husband and my brother. How can a sister not love her brother? What I care about is not how much he owes, but whether he has a repentant heart. For this reason, I also specially consulted a professor in my previous school. He used to study psychology. After getting his affirmation, I insisted on my own ideas. If a son is not taught, the father will make mistakes. If the teaching is not strict, the teacher will be lazy. Although I didn't give money, I still called my parents from time to time to tell them what I learned and understood, but they only had their son in their eyes and didn't take my words seriously. They still felt upset about me not helping my brother, and thought I was bad-hearted and even said sarcastic words. But I still gave my family living expenses and nutritional supplements every month, even if I knew that they would secretly give the money to my brother, I would still give it, because that is their freedom and my intention as a daughter.

Later, my brother's debt broke out again, this time it was 1.5 million yuan, and my parents didn't go through me, but went directly to my husband, because he knew his daughter's character and said he would not help. My husband is also a sentimental person, he is too honest, and then he lied to me, saying that his friend had an emergency and needed money.After spending so much time together, my husband dared not look me in the eye when he lied, so I asked him which friend he was, and I called him to confirm, and the lie was exposed in an instant. I told him that he was kind-hearted and I would not hold him responsible for lying, so my husband told me about it. I still did not help him this time, and my parents even said harsh words in the family group, saying that they did not recognize me as their daughter, saying that I was an ungrateful person and should not have given birth to a heartless daughter like me.

I endured what my parents said to me, because I knew that my parents were lost in my brother's lies, and I never cared. I still gave them living expenses every month, as well as clothes and nutritional supplements. What surprised me was that when I went home for the New Year, they closed the door and did not let me in. I was a little angry, so I put the things at the door, and my husband and I went back. Sometimes I also reflect on myself, whether I did something wrong, but giving money seems to solve no problem except getting my parents' approval. I helped him pay off his debts today, but tomorrow I might poke a hole in the sky.

Later, the house that his parents bought for him was lost, and his own house was also lost. The debt of relatives alone was 1.1 million. Now he is in a daze all day long. I called my parents again today, and they listened to what I said and realized that they were wrong. How could I not know those methods of my brother? When he was a child, he wanted to be strong. When he saw something he liked, he liked to throw a tantrum. If he was not allowed to buy it, he would cry endlessly. He is still like this when he grows up. When he came into contact with gambling, he often wrote suicide notes to his family. He is cowardly by nature. He knows that his parents are fooled by that, so he has tried it many times. But as a sister, I know him too well and understand the essential problem of gambling too well. So even if he really can't think it through, I won't help him. This time I saved him, and soon he threatened again. When will it end? If for him, our small family will also be heavily in debt, and in the end we still can't save him.

Losing face is a small matter, I am afraid that my parents will make mistakes again and again in a fit of anger. My brother's personal debts must be dealt with by himself. At least I can be sure that my parents can no longer help him. This goal has been achieved, and my brother won't be able to make much trouble. At most, he will lose his salary every month, and the worst that can happen is that he will go to jail.