The cryptocurrency world is always full of variables and controversies. From the rise and fall of Eth to the approval of the current spot ETF, we seem to always be hovering between fomo and fud.

When Eth was the hottest, everyone rushed in, believing that it could surpass the big cake. However, when Eth fell into a trough, people began to sing its praises, believing that it was outdated and even to be replaced by sol. But now, with the approval of Eth's spot ETF, the market is full of expectations for it. This rapid change in style is really a pity. In the cryptocurrency world, it is common to chase when it rises and sell when it falls. Many people, because they cannot strengthen their beliefs, not only did not make money in the end, but even lost all their money. In fact, every time there is a bull market, someone says that this is the last time, but history is always surprisingly similar, and a new bull market cycle will always come as scheduled. We should not blindly believe in the so-called "last bull market", but should remain rational and make correct decisions based on market conditions.

Dare to buy at the bottom in a bear market and be willing to clear positions in a bull market. This is the correct posture of the cryptocurrency world. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案