
☀ BTC main trend: up;

Minor trend: Up;

Short-term trend: oscillation;

BTC spot or low leverage: it is recommended to wait for a pullback.

☀ETH main trend: up;

Minor trend: Up;

Short-term trend: Oscillation;

ETH spot or low leverage: it is recommended to wait for a pullback.

✿About ETH: At 4 am tomorrow, regardless of whether the ETH spot ETF is approved or not, it is believed that there may be a short-term decline, and the support below may be around 3000. If approved, it will hit around 4000 and then turn around, if not approved, it will turn around directly.

✿About BTC: At 2 am today, the US Federal Reserve was hawkish again: interest rate cuts may have to wait a little longer. Before they have greater confidence that inflation has fallen to 2%, it is not appropriate to cut interest rates. Based on this, experts predict that the probability of maintaining the same situation on June 13 and August 1 is 96% and 80.1% respectively.

✿For those who have not entered or need to increase their positions, you can try to automatically go long on the EMA60 indicator at the 4-hour and 12-hour levels, and the stop loss should not exceed 1%. (Not every exchange has this function, if you don’t know, you can ask me)

✿BTC upper resistance is around 80300 and 89000, ETH upper resistance is around 4740 and 5470. These places are the mid-term bull market territories, and the cottage industry will begin to take turns to dance. Reckless short selling is like a mantis trying to stop a chariot or an ant trying to shake a tree. Unless there is an effective long-short watershed at the level of more than 2 hours, you can try it.

Analysis is about me but trading is not. Analysis is subjective and is nothing but wishful thinking. Trading must follow the trend and go with the flow. As long as the market gives an opportunity, you should hold on to it, regardless of long or short. You should use the lowest cost to gain the greatest benefit. If you are right, hold on to it, and if you are wrong, run away.

✿ETH: When the 12-hour RSI6-20 indicator is touched, entrust 2839 to automatically take profit on the long orders that have not been closed. It is recommended to set a moving stop profit near 3040.

✿BTC: For long orders that have made profits near 38700, 46900, 47800, 50290, and 60700, it is recommended to set a moving stop profit of around 60,000. For long orders that have made profits at 56900 and have been automatically traded by the 12-hour RSI indicator 20, it is recommended to set a moving stop profit of 60,000.

Suggestions for BTC short-term ambush (do not open a position if the conditions are not met at the point of interest. If it is accidentally activated, the profit or loss is up to you):

Short: (Automatic order) ❶ When the 12-hour RSI indicator reaches 90, the order will be automatically short, with a stop loss of 1% (or you can decide by yourself)

Long: (Automatic entrustment) ❶ When the daily RSI indicator is 20, the entrustment will be automatically long, and the stop loss will be 2% (or you can decide it yourself). ❷ When the white X line is touched, the entrustment will be automatically long, and the stop loss will be 2% (or you can decide it yourself).

(Focus) ❶ around 67300, ❷ around 64700, defense around 66700 and 64100, target around 73000 or above.


Suggestions for ETH short-term ambush operations (do not open a position if the conditions are not met at the focus point. If it is accidentally activated, the profit or loss is up to you):

Short: (Automatic order) ❶When the daily RSI indicator touches 90, the order will be automatically short, with a stop loss of 2% (or you can decide it yourself).

(Attention) ❶ Around 4000, defense around 4130, target around 3363 or below.

Long: (Automatic entrustment) ❶ When the daily RSI indicator is 20, the entrustment will be automatically long, and the stop loss will be 1% (or you can decide it yourself). ❶ When the white X line is touched, the entrustment will be automatically long, and the stop loss will be 1.5% (or you can decide it yourself).

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