#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #美众议院通过FIT21法案

I have been watching Ang share a lot of Heyue codes, but there are fewer spot codes. Those who have been following Ang for a long time know that Ang operates Heyue and is also planning spot codes. There are also open strategies for Ang, are there any Ang following Ang's layout?

The layout of spot codes has a longer holding period. I am very happy when I share them with my buddies on BN, but I can't hold on to them when they start to fall. If I can't even withstand the fluctuation of a small bull in the layout of spot codes, how can I make big profits?

Earlier, An Ge also disclosed some spot to his friends. Let's review it:

5.5, 0.000192 entered floki, the highest point was 0.000245, and the increase was 32%

5.11, 0.55 entered bone, the highest point was 0.69, and the increase was 25%

5.15, 0.000024 entered bonk, the highest point was 0.0000368, and the increase was 50%

These are some codes shared publicly with my friends. The trend in the first half of this month was tortuous, and the layout of spot should also be selected with strong growth. Those who follow these codes to layout spot can also get it.

After the ETF news last night, this wave of cleansing caused the market to fall instead of rise. The short-term market trend will be dominated by shocks. We can also take the opportunity to enter the spot layout again. Friends who have active purple gold and more than w knives can pay attention to An Ge's dynamics and keep up with An Ge's layout to operate spot in time.

The spot purple gold that I have in my hands has been preparing for the spot layout. Those who want to keep up with the operation and get the spot code in time can get one-on-one guidance from Brother Ang, and take them to eat some meat and see their strength.