#strk币 #L2板块

Using ETH L2 + ZK technology, STRK finds harmony between decentralization, scalability and security, surpassing typical L2 solutions. With the steady improvement of performance and the continuous reduction of costs, the ecology on Starknet is gradually improving.

Starknet's recent announcement is that this year, it is expected to reduce gas fees to well below $0.01, while achieving hundreds of transactions per second, and is expected to become the L2 solution with the highest TPS.

StarkWare's vision for STRK goes far beyond being another L2. In terms of product and market strategy, Strk is more closely integrated with Sol, abandoning the advantages and limitations of EVM and building from scratch.

Sol has been criticized for its decentralization, while Strk adopts ETH's L2 + ZK approach. This allows Strk to inherit the powerful characteristics of eth and effectively solve the trilemma.

Vitalik also recently expressed the importance of ZK adoption. At the same time, zkSync will have an airdrop in mid-June, and the L2 sector is expected to be hyped again. In addition, StarkWare announced the launch of ZKThreads, an expansion framework based on ZK execution sharding!

Looking forward to seeing Strk unleash more potential in the future.

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