Rune prices and popularity have both come out of the bottom. It seems that everyone has forgotten the most important Genesis Rune 0 UNCOMMON•GOODS❓

1⃣️Number of Runes 0:

Currently 2,921,966 in circulation;

Since the launch of the 840,000th block, a total of 4,713 blocks have been produced, with an average of 620 per block. Based on 210,000 blocks in 4 years, the total number is 130 million;

2⃣️Number of addresses holding Runes 0:

As of May 23, 2024, The number of addresses holding Rune No. 0 is 35,740, which exceeds the sats that led the second round of the inscription bull market. Most of them are real users and are growing;

It is not comparable to the tens of thousands to 100,000 fake addresses created by the current airdrop gameplay, and it is not of the same order of magnitude;

3⃣️Rune No. 0 circulation market value MC:

The current floor price of No. 0 is 0.8U, and the circulation market value is only 2.33 million US dollars;

Compared with any local dog rune, it starts at several million US dollars, and as many as tens of millions of US dollars. Who is looking down on whom?

4⃣️Rune No. 0 full circulation value FDA:

The current floor price of No. 0 is 0.8U, and the full circulation market value is only 104 million US dollars;

Compared with the current market value of Rune Dragon One DOG of more than 400 million US dollars, there is also 4 times the space;

Then the question is? Under the bloodline suppression of the No. 0 Genesis Rune, Rune DOG dares to say that it is Rune Dragon One?

5⃣️Parallel comparison of rune price of No. 0❓

Based on the final total of 130 million, compared with the mainstream meme price on May 23:

Compared with ordi's valuation of $872 million, the full circulation price of No. 0 is 6.7U;

Compared with sats' valuation of $631 million, the full circulation price of No. 0 is 4.85U;

Compared with the rune stone DOG's valuation of $400 million, the full circulation price of No. 0 is 3U;

Compared with BOME's valuation of $921 million, the full circulation price of No. 0 is 7U;

Compared with pepe's valuation of $6.1 billion, the full circulation price of No. 0 is 47U;

Compared with Shib's valuation of $15 billion, the full circulation price of No. 0 is 115U;

6⃣️What is the future trend of rune No. 0?

Relying on the strong meme consensus of the Bitcoin ecosystem and the reputation of the creation rune of the RUNES protocol, as long as any rune can become popular, it will be a bonus for rune No. 0!

Due to the lack of initial liquidity, the Genesis Rune 0 will suddenly give you a burst of pull from time to time, and then start to roll up the gas on the chain, and then the mining, withdrawal and selling prices will return to normal;

Until the 4-year period expires, the production will stop and the full circulation will be stopped, then the price will follow the Bitcoin ecosystem and market game.

So cherish the opportunity of low gas and seize it, and sell some when the gas is high to the price you want.

Summary: Play with gas in the early stage and play with market value in the later stage.