The Hong Kong government ordered Worldcoin to cease operations within its borders on Wednesday, accusing the identity project of violating its privacy rules.

The government's Personal Data Privacy Commissioner (PCPD) is ordering Worldcoin to leave Hong Kong and asking citizens to report if they see further Worldcoin activities.

PCPD said: “The Privacy Commissioner has issued an enforcement notice to the Worldcoin Foundation, directing it to cease all activities of the Worldcoin project in Hong Kong in scanning and collecting iris images and the public's face using an iris scanning device.

PCPD stated that the collection of facial and iris images is unnecessary and excessive.

It also alleges that Worldcoin unfairly collected personal data by failing to provide a privacy notice and consent form in Chinese, failing to disclose all possible risks. and did not clearly inform participants about the reason for collection.

While the project's Orb hardware is a featured part of its operations, Hong Kong administrators say it is not necessary for them to verify someone's humanity.

“Scanning or collecting facial images was not necessary for the purpose of verifying the identities of the participants because iris scanner operators were already performing the verification,” PCPD said in the report. that at operating locations”.

Established in 1996, the Office of the Personal Data Privacy Commissioner is an independent body that oversees the enforcement of Hong Kong's personal data laws.

Launched in 2022, Worldcoin is developed by Tools For Humanity, co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and managed by the non-profit Worldcoin Foundation using the controversial Orb iris scanner and Its World ID application fights bots by ensuring the members or users of a system are actual humans.

Participants are issued WLD tokens in exchange for allowing Worldcoin to scan the user's biometrics.

According to Tools For Humanity, since its launch, World ID has attracted more than 10 million users in 160 countries, with more than 5 million people having verified their identity using Worldcoin Orbs.

“Considering biometric data is sensitive personal data, any wrongful disclosure or leak of such data could lead to serious consequences,” PCPD wrote.

“Because there are fewer privacy-invading means available as alternatives to verify participants' identities, collecting facial and iris images for that purpose is unnecessary and excessive, therefore contrary to the requirements of [Our Data Protection Principles]. ”

Worldcoin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In March, to alleviate privacy concerns surrounding the Orb iris scanner, Worldcoin's core components were open-sourced on Github, allowing researchers to examine the technology more deeply.

“Open source often helps promote trust, transparency and verifiability while encouraging the developer community to further develop the technology,” a Worldcoin spokesperson previously said.

“This builds on the open sourcing of the iris code late last year and the opening up of the hardware almost a year ago.”

Despite PCPD's action, Worldcoin's WLD token is still up 0.8% on the day and 5.0% over the past seven days according to CoinGecko.


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