Seeing ETH trading sideways at such a high level for a few days, unable to go up or down, everyone is waiting to see if the ETF will be passed tomorrow morning✅

If so, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Will the bulls continue to pull or will the bears come to a massacre‼ ️

From BTC to 7.19 and ETH to 3.84, the views of the fifth brother are very clear. There will be adjustments when it rises to here, so the current BTC C short orders at 7.13 are still held‼ ️

In other words, if the ETF is passed immediately, the fifth brother believes that it is also a positive realization, and the callback will still have to be callback⚠️I don’t think BTC will soar by 10,000 points, and it will continue to rise without a callback. So tonight is very critical. Those who have not kept up with the rhythm of the fifth brother circle before, pay attention to stop profit and stop loss‼ ️#以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC