In May 2022, all hell broke loose for $LUNC . Everything fell apart. May was a disaster for thousands of crypto investors. #write2earn🌐💹

Everyone was trying to understand what happened. The parties blamed each other, more than 45 billion dollars remained invisible. The process is ongoing and it is not clear how it will end. #LunaTerraClassic

Two years have passed, and during this time reliable analysts have continued to insist that this is a process. What they constantly repeated and underlined was that this would turn into a parabola, and the name of the $LUNA ecosystem would be written on the peaks again in golden letters. #BTC

It's May again and the #TerraClassic ecosystem may want to gain confidence and this would be the perfect opportunity. I think he should do this, and if he does this, I would be honored to be among those who applaud the loudest. #Binance

Do Kwon owes a debt to all of us, and especially to the crypto world, and he must pay it.