📢📢Blockchain industry news! QCP Capital's latest analysis points out that ETH contract volatility has reached 105, indicating that there may be large fluctuations before the application deadline. 📈📉

ETH perpetual contract funding rate fell from 50% to stable within 12 hours, while the June forward contract still maintained a 15% return. This may reflect the weakening of short-term speculative activity, but medium-term bullish sentiment remains strong. 💪💪

On the other hand, ETH's risk reversal rate on May 24 and 31 was -7, indicating that the market is still worried about short-term downside volatility, which may lead to tactical hedging of long ETH positions. 🛡️🛡️

Bitcoin news is also very lively! Spot Bitcoin ETF has attracted money for 7 consecutive days, with a total of nearly US$1.5 billion. 💰💰The narrative about cryptocurrencies is gaining more and more attention in the US election, especially after the SEC recently changed its stance. 🗳️🗳️

Let's look forward to more exciting developments in the blockchain industry together! 🎉🎉