#PEPE创历史新高 #5月市场关键事件

Do you regret marrying your current wife?

If you have ever thought about this or are regretting it now, please take a few minutes to read my story.

Two years after I graduated from college, I met my wife through a classmate. She is tall and graduated from a prestigious university ranked in the top ten in the country.

I am a homebody who doesn’t care about my appearance. My favorite thing is to read novels. I remember the first time I went on a date, I was so absorbed in reading a novel that I didn’t even remember to comb my hair until the date was almost over. I rushed to the date, leaving my wife standing on the street waiting for almost half an hour.

I still remember the first time I saw her, she leaned on the railing, looking around, looking dazed, and finally saw me. I smiled at her and touched my greasy half-long hair, and she turned her head and sighed secretly. And the embarrassing thing was that the clothes I put on were a torn sweater with a big hole at the elbow. I didn't know it myself, and my wife couldn't help but point it out when we were having dinner, saying that your sweater was torn and the dark red autumn clothes inside were exposed.

I guess my wife had a very bad impression of me on the first date, not just a bad one. But I couldn't let my classmate down, so I went on two more dates, and I paid attention to my dress and date time. Gradually, because I was well-informed, liked to read all kinds of books, and could talk about anything, we gradually got along better, but we never made it clear that we were in a relationship.

Until the next date, she said that she had a salary increase, and this time she treated us to a big meal. It was a happy thing, I went to pick her up, and then on the way, she bought a new bag and mobile phone, and took out a thousand in cash, saying that she wanted to have a good meal. I thought, it was a good opportunity to pretend that she treated me, and then I took the initiative to pay the bill, and when she was touched, we confirmed our relationship.

Then, when we were walking to the restaurant, she was walking on the side of the road and a biker gang came over. Before we could react, they snatched her bag. Her new bag, new phone, cash, and new wallet that she had saved up to buy were all stolen. That was in the early 2000s, and the loss was estimated to be several thousand dollars, several months' salary was gone.

At that time, we were both really confused, and she was about to cry. I gave her my new mobile phone, which I remember was a Bird phone, bought for 2,500 yuan. After I got my salary, I bought her a new shoulder bag and wallet, but with my otaku vision, she never took out the bag I bought her to use once...

Later, we confirmed our relationship, and she gradually showed me a side of her that was unique to girls: she liked to lose her temper, turn around and walk away when she felt wronged, and was often unreasonable. However, as we slowly got along with each other, the disputes between us gradually became less frequent.

The first Christmas after we met, I deliberately hid it from her and asked for leave to go to the pedestrian street to buy gifts and then pick her up from get off work. As a result, because it was the first time, I spent Christmas in the downtown area and ignored the enthusiasm of couples at that time.

The pedestrian street was several kilometers in radius, and the crowds were so crowded that I couldn't even squeeze out. Moreover, if I squeezed out, all the buses had to take detours and couldn't get in because all the roads were packed with people. It was dark and it started to snow heavily. I ran for several kilometers and couldn't even find a taxi. In the end, I met her two or three hours later than the agreed time.

When I saw her, she was standing outside the company, crying with red eyes and shivering from the cold. Finally, when she turned around and wanted to run, I rushed over and hugged her. I felt that at that moment, if I let her go, this relationship would really end. That was the tragedy that started with being late and ended with being late.

Finally, the two of us reconciled. In the middle of the night, we walked together in the heavy snow for a long time. We were sweating all over. It was quiet everywhere and we could only hear the rustling sound of snow. It felt like we were walking until we were old.

My wife and I have been dating for two years, with many ups and downs, trying to adjust to each other's personalities. In the meantime, various unexpected events kept happening, as if God really didn't want us to be together. Whenever we were in a good relationship, something would happen to force us to break up.

When I mustered up the courage to talk about marriage with her, she suddenly said no, she didn't want to be with me, pointed out a lot of my shortcomings, and insisted on breaking up. In the end, she ignored me and ran away. I was stunned at the time, not knowing what happened. I stood there for several hours until dark before going home. Thinking that we would never see each other again after we separated, I felt so heartbroken that I couldn't breathe.

I kept thinking, forget it, it's already like this, just give up, she said so, why bother myself. But a month later, I couldn't help but be thick-skinned and went to find her.

Only then did she know that her mother had been diagnosed with stomach cancer and needed chemotherapy. Her brother had just repeated a year and was admitted to a good university, so her family did not agree to her getting married at this time. Because her father's small business was losing money, the family's main source of income now depended on her. Once she got married, it would be difficult for her to give money to her parents' home, and her mother's illness and her brother's living expenses would be gone.

So, this silly girl, not wanting to drag me down, deliberately said a bunch of heartless words to make me angry and leave.

After I got the news, I went to her hometown to propose marriage. I stayed for several hours and said that after we got married, I would still help her family and treat her as my own parents and my own brother. Don't worry about money. I pestered her and said I would not leave unless she agreed. Finally, I convinced her family. Finally, I was able to be with her again.

However, although she passed that hurdle for her family, this one for mine was more difficult.

Until we got married, I was under a lot of pressure because her brother needed money for school and her mother's condition was unstable. Although my salary and hers were good at the time, it was conceivable that if we got married later, her brother, her mother, and even her father's business might not be able to continue...

My mother kept nagging and complaining about her family's current situation, asking me to break up with her, saying that it was not too late. Otherwise, not only would there be no dowry, but she would also need our salary support for a long time, and it would be hard to see how we would live in the future. It would be better for us to find someone whose family conditions are similar to ours. We would buy a house and renovate it, and the woman would buy a car and electrical appliances, so that the quality of life of our family would be guaranteed in the future.

At that time, both of us were emotionally unstable, and as a result, we started to quarrel more often.

That time, after we finished dinner, we had a very tense argument about some topic. It was almost evening and we were in the park where we often dated. We argued until we were exhausted. I didn't look at her and she didn't look at me, otherwise we would explode and definitely say we wanted to break up.

At that time, next to us, the symphony sounded, and the musical fountain in the park suddenly gushed out, with water vapor blowing in our faces, and the children next to us were all shouting and jumping excitedly. And the musical fountain in that park, which had been silent for nearly half a year, unexpectedly returned to normal at that time.

Maybe this is a miracle!

We watched the fountain spray high into the sky accompanied by music, the lights changing, the neon lights looming, the evening sky filled with red clouds, and before we knew it, we held hands again. From then on, no matter how tired, annoyed, or miserable we were, no matter what others said, we never argued again, but got married despite the great pressure.

No matter what the future holds, no matter how the outside world forces us, we must be together, we must be together!!!

At the wedding a few months later, after many trials and tribulations, I finally opened the door and rushed into the bridal chamber. Amid the laughter and noise of the crowd, I bent over and picked up her in her red makeup. Colorful ribbons fell from the sky, floating in the air. She put her arms around my neck, leaned against my chest, and looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

To get to this point, we have gone through too many hardships and overcome too many obstacles. But no matter what happens in the future, we can finally walk on together.


My wife and I went from being friends to getting married, and the ups and downs in between were really not easy. Until now, I still believe that every couple, from strangers who don’t know each other to the most familiar people, from falling in love, knowing each other, staying together, to finally relying on each other. I don’t know how many ups and downs they have to go through, how many difficulties they have to work together to break through, how many thorns they have to cut, how many tests they have to endure, and how many times they have to sharpen their fragile sincerity again and again, and even don’t give up even if they are bruised and battered, in order to truly get a good result. If you don’t stick to any link, you can’t continue to be together, but become the most familiar strangers.

Six months after getting married, her mother's condition suddenly worsened, and she died in the hospital during chemotherapy. It was midnight when she got the news, and she put down the phone because she didn't want to disturb my parents, who lived next door. She sobbed quietly, and I said nothing. I could only hold her tightly as she trembled, feeling her body getting cold, and her tears soaking my arms.

Life is difficult, and the people we love and care about have passed away. In fact, life has never been very kind to us.

In the next three years, until her brother graduated from college and found a suitable job, we were married for three years, living frugally but not saving any money. But we never had a big argument about money, but supported each other and moved forward.

Our marriage went smoothly for several years until our child was born. Then, we encountered another disaster after marriage.

My salary at that company increased steadily by only a hundred dollars each year, but my expenses became more and more as my children grew up and prices rose.

But work doesn't become easier just because your salary is not competitive. On the contrary, because I am easy to talk to, more and more work is given to me. I have no time to rest. I have to answer phone calls late at night and I am busy on weekends. I don't even have time to take care of the children. My wife has told me more than once to turn off the phone at night, otherwise it will disturb the children's sleep.

I can only apologize. I made a plan and if I put the phone on mute mode and fell asleep, I would not be able to answer the call immediately. My leader asked me to give feedback immediately and adjust the plan in time 24 hours a day.

During the busiest time, I had to make and receive dozens of calls late at night. In order not to disturb the children and her sleep, I had to go to the living room to make and receive calls in the middle of the night, and then come back to sleep. Even in spring, when it was not very cold, I still couldn't stand such frequent tossing and turning. Finally, I caught a cold and started to have a low-grade fever. But my boss used the peak season as an excuse to let me hold on for a few more days and wait until the busiest week was over before getting the injection.

A few days later, when I couldn't stand the headache anymore, I still insisted on taking a leave and went to the hospital. When I took my temperature, it was 41 degrees. The doctor wrote me a prescription and asked me to go out and pay for the injection. When I walked out of the emergency room, I felt like I was walking on clouds. When I was paying at the cashier, I lost my balance and fell to the ground with convulsions. When the nurse asked me urgently and the nurse carried me on a stretcher and rushed to the ambulance to the big hospital, I blurted out her number that I remembered most clearly.

After being hospitalized, I was given various anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing injections for hours in a row. I felt dizzy from the fever until I finally regained some consciousness. My eyes were so swollen that I couldn't open them. I could only feel her sitting next to me, her hands warm, tightly holding my cold hands.

Then, in the next few days, even though I took sick leave, because of my excellent performance, I never took leave and worked hard without complaint, resulting in no backup employees. My work calls were still overwhelming.

Because my hands were swollen and my fingers couldn't close together, I couldn't pick up the phone at all. I looked at her pleadingly as she took a long vacation. She had to pick up my phone frequently, put it on speakerphone, and put it next to my pillow. She also had to hold a pen and help me write down the information on paper.

On the second day of hospitalization, because I had just recovered from a high fever during the day and slept soundly at night, my wife turned my phone to silent mode, so I couldn’t answer the phone calls in the middle of the night. The next day, she heard her boss scolding me loudly on the phone, asking why I didn’t answer the phone at night, which caused production problems. He asked me to go back to the factory and write a profound self-examination, otherwise my performance for the month would be deducted. Originally, you didn’t take sick leave in advance, which was not in compliance with regulations, but we still let you take it later. Now you don’t even answer the phone. You should pay attention to your work attitude.

She was so angry that her face turned pale. After she hung up the phone for me, I looked at her apologetically. She didn't look at me, but I saw tears welling up in her eyes. I smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay. The boss just wants to vent. I just need to write a letter of apology. He won't really deduct my performance." She said, "This job is boring. Let's quit." I looked at her, said nothing, and nodded.

Two weeks later, I returned to the company, and the first thing I did was to write a resignation letter. Without a confirmed next job, I finally showed my courage and submitted my resignation letter. I left the company a month later. The boss read my resignation letter and said, "You have worked here for thirteen years. You can quit if you want to. The competition is fierce outside now. With your ability and your age of thirty, it is not easy to find a job. Don't act on impulse. It's not too late to withdraw your letter now." I smiled and said, "Yes, after thirteen years of work, there was no promotion or salary increase, only endless work content." I turned around and left his office directly.

Then within a week, I found another job with a 20% drop in overall salary. I switched from fast-moving consumer goods manufacturing to auto parts manufacturing, which was like starting over from scratch. The new company was far from home, 50 kilometers one way. I didn’t have money to buy a car, so I had to take two buses and then a shuttle bus to get to the company, which took three hours each way. If it rained heavily or there was a traffic jam, it would take even longer.

No matter how busy or tired I am at work, I will spend two or three hours on the road after work to learn relevant management knowledge. When my eyes are tired, I put on headphones to listen, and when my ears hurt, I recall the content of my study and simulate in my mind how to deal with various management problems in reality.

In order to force myself to study, I spent my savings to subscribe to online English classes taught by foreign teachers, and I had to take classes every night. When I got home at night, I started reviewing, previewing, and attending classes at 10 o'clock.

Because she was afraid that the child would disturb me, she and the child shared a room, and I slept in a separate room. After I finished studying at 11:30, I would go to her and the child's room, lean over to kiss the child and her cheek, help her and the child to make the quilt, and then go back to my room to sleep. During this period, I didn't manage the house at all. In addition to her daily work, she also took on all the housework and education of the children.

I wanted to give up more than once. Sometimes I was too tired and had to keep working hard even when I was exhausted. Once, I worked overtime until 7pm. It started to rain heavily on the road. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. There was a traffic jam on the road. It was almost 11:30 when I got home. I changed the English class originally scheduled for 11pm to 12pm, but my head seemed to have turned into paste. I had a severe headache and I didn’t know what I talked about with the teacher during the whole class.

After class, I stood on the balcony. It was quiet outside, and no house had its lights on. I had to get up at 5:30 the next day, and I could only sleep for four hours. I hadn't seen the sun for a long time, nor had I seen my children wake up. I felt that this kind of life was too difficult. If it continued like this day after day, I really couldn't hold on any longer.

I went back to her room and watched her and the child sleeping soundly while hugging each other. I stood by their bed and couldn't help crying. That's what life is like, isn't it? Life won't have much kindness towards you. If you don't fight hard at the critical moment and just go with the flow, your life will be over and you will get nothing.

Go ahead, keep fighting, and do the best you can, for me, for her, and for my family.

Then, I worked hard for the next five years, improving myself step by step. I was headhunted three times, and my salary increased step by step. Until now, the five social insurances and one housing fund I pay are higher than my salary in the first company where I worked for 13 years, and higher than the salary of the leaders who laughed at me for my inability and inability to find a job.

At the beginning of 2020, the Wuhan epidemic hit fiercely when no one expected it, and Wuhan was completely closed down.

The company I work for has too many funds, which makes the capital chain extremely fragile. When the epidemic hit, the company was directly cut off from food, and no wages were paid from mid-January to mid-March. As the epidemic progresses, the company is very likely to be unable to resume work normally. Mortgage, living expenses, my daughter's training fees, and even parking fees, all of which were originally not much, are weighing more and more on my mind. I don't know when the days of living off my savings will end.

Once, my wife said, "We are so depressed, let's have a hot pot and have some fun." I asked where I could buy it. Many stores sell out this kind of meat in less than a minute, or they are too far away and there are no drivers to take orders, so they simply don't deliver to us.

My wife smiled and said, "Just watch me." She spent a few days getting together here and there, buying egg dumplings from this store, buying beef rolls and mutton rolls from that store, buying fruits from Hungry, buying basa fish from Meituan, and buying hot pot base from supermarkets.

A few days later, when the table was filled with a variety of dishes, the dark red base was boiling in the hot pot, and the aroma of chili was overflowing, we raised our glasses together, the drinks rippled in the glasses, and a series of bubbles emerged.


No matter what the future holds, at this moment, we are still together.

Looking at my wife's bright smiling face, I thought, we will never be separated again in this life.

No matter what the road ahead holds, whether it is hardship or happiness, we will walk on together and face it together.

We will be together through life and death. I will hold your hand and walk with you.