In an emergency, BTC and ETH officially pull back, just like the analysis in the article of Brother Wu‼ ️The pullback of Bitcoin will inevitably lead to the adjustment of ETH, and finally it will make up for the decline⚠️⚠️

BTC's rebound this time exceeded 10,000 points, and our short orders under 71,300 can be said to be short at the secondary high point⚠️⚠️Do you think that the adjustment is over after only falling by 1,000 points‼ ️Obviously not, the short orders at the secondary highs will definitely have a profit point of more than 2,000 to 3,000 points‼ ️

So those who still ask you to go long at 71,000, it seems that you are overwhelmed by the rise‼ ️Trading should be rational, calm and stable. Everyone who has followed Brother Wu all the way has made a lot of money and lost less‼ ️If you haven't kept up with Brother Wu's circle, you can continue to follow Brother Wu's articles in private domains #BTC $BTC