3000 points of profit, 5% volatility, 1:4 profit-loss ratio

Trading in position, stop loss has room, and profit-loss ratio is healthy, which is a correct transaction.

Most of the losses are nothing more than transactions that are not in position, stop loss cannot be found, stop profit is not expected, and profit turns into loss.

It is not that the market is targeting you, but that the transaction is unplanned, just providing liquidity to the market.

The intraday 1h ma20 moving average is a judgment of strength and weakness. If it cannot go up here, there is an expectation of around 6.75.

Before the eth etf resolution on the 23rd came out, the oscillation around the range of 6.9--7.2 was strong. If it does not fall below 6.45, there is still an expectation for the stage high