Influenced by the possible approval of the Ethereum ETF on the 23rd, Dafang surged 20%, Pepe rose 30% in one day, and Bitcoin rose to 72,000.

Many bloggers think they are good enough again, and many investors start to Fomo again. They slap their thighs and hate themselves for not buying the bottom at 56,000. In my opinion, they are too narrow-minded.

It’s not that great if you make the right judgment, and it’s not that stupid if you make the wrong judgment.

You must stand firm when you are beaten, and admit your mistakes. In the investment circle, people are not afraid of making mistakes, but they are afraid of being stubborn. Making mistakes will only make you lose money or earn less, but being stubborn will definitely cost you your life.

What is a Quote?

The market conditions are predictable even if someone is a god. There is only one kind of person who can predict the market conditions, and that is a liar. To be more precise, the short-term market conditions in the cryptocurrency circle cannot be predicted, and the long-term market conditions do not need to be predicted.

The best state in the cryptocurrency circle is to never be fully invested and never be empty invested. After all, in this market where people make money based on cognition, maintaining a peaceful mentality is the most important thing.

You see, my current mentality is just so good. Money is something you can never make enough of. What’s the use of earning money if you don’t spend it?

There is an old saying in the countryside, "Eating is a real skill, gambling is a hedge, and whoring is a waste of time." Whether in the cryptocurrency circle or in the stock market, profits and losses are just numbers. Only the money spent after selling goods is yours.

Therefore, keep a calm mind and accept whatever happens in the future.

Late at night, I asked myself, is it the Internet that has increased the number of keyboard warriors, or are the talkers always so rampant? Gradually I understood what Mencius said, that the problem with people is that they all like to be teachers.


The threshold for teachers is low. You take the credit for profits, but if you lose money, you are so inflexible. In fact, many teachers have no practical experience at all. I can't help but think of the scene when Chen Anzhi criticized Ma Dad. It was a classic.

Mao said that if you don't investigate, you have no right to speak. In fact, even if you investigate, it's just metaphysical stuff and can't be put into practice. We should pay less attention to anything that is out of touch with the masses. It poisons the brain and does great harm to people.

What's the market like, and what's the circle like? Not to mention that passers-by on the street don't understand, people in circle A are just watching the fire from the other side of the river, just watching the excitement, without going into the water. Don't tell me there are water ghosts in the river. Sorry, I don't believe it.

The more people know, the more they don’t know. Gradually, they become less talkative, and the legend about them disappears in the world.

Do you think you can make money with your high level of knowledge?

All the knowledge that cannot be realized is an anesthetic for living in your own world. If you have never been a non-novice in the circle, your knowledge is nothing but brain stuff, which is nonsense.

You say that everyone in the cryptocurrency circle is a scammer and that everyone is a liar. As for me, I am too lazy to explain and I don’t try to discern and filter the information.

People, no matter how much you say, it’s all quibbling. Let time tell you what blockchain is and what Bitcoin is.

People who have never paid tuition and never lost money always like to stand on the commanding heights, with their hands behind their backs, and point fingers at others. “You should play like this, and you should do more there.” “Well,

How can this K-line be drawn like this? However, when I asked him to enter the market, he said it was a scam and he would not play… If this is not rogue, what is this? What is the difference between talking about climax with a eunuch?

Just like a blind date, you can’t just look at the face when trading cryptocurrencies, you have to go deeper…

Those who go on blind dates for short-term fun will end up losing all their money and energy. Only those who go on blind dates with the intention of getting married will have a fruitful outcome. If you don't want to hold a coin for the rest of your life, please don't hold it for even a minute.

Most people want to hold a house for a lifetime, so most people make a fortune. Most people (except the company's major shareholders and founders) want to hold stocks for a while, so most people lose money.

Someone asked me which of your articles is the most important. I said they are all important. A system is indispensable, just like hair to a programmer and eyes to a pilot.

I also said that things that seem useless are often very useful, just like your brain. It seems useless only because you don’t use it.

I have to say that since ancient times, true feelings cannot be retained, only routine human hearts... Choice is destiny. When you see different opinions, you don’t go deep into them and just start arguing with them. You will most likely miss the opportunity to learn new things.

Why do many people in City A look down on people in Circle B? Because of their inertial thinking and their environment, they think that the investment-output ratio is too terrible and that such a thing cannot exist.

In addition to being constrained by the environment, choices also depend on the kind of people we come into contact with. Birds of a feather flock together. It is normal to meet a scumbag once, but if you meet him often, it is no longer a problem of him being a scumbag.

People say that cryptocurrency trading is easy, but that’s because they haven’t experienced a bear market. For newcomers, a 50% drop is unbearable. If the money is loaned, they start to suffer from insomnia.

So, stop talking nonsense. If you want to know whether it is a mule or a horse, you should sneak out and take a look.

The road to breaking out of a dilemma is destined to be lonely. As long as you are in the dilemma, you will not be able to find the final answer unless you solve and analyze the problem yourself.

The highest level of Mahjong is not how to win, but how to keep the cards when you realize that you can't win and prevent the opponent from winning. No one can win every time, but the one who makes himself invincible is the winner.

Giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance on your hands. Thank you for your likes, attention, and reposts! I wish you financial freedom in 2025!