Gala Games recently suffered a serious hacker attack. According to Lookonchain monitoring, the hacker successfully minted 5 billion GALA tokens, worth up to $214 million. However, the hacker did not sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor, but quickly sold 592 million GALA tokens in exchange for 5,952 ETH, equivalent to about $21.8 million.

Fortunately, the official team of Gala Games responded quickly and took immediate action after discovering the problem, blacklisting the hacker's address and successfully preventing further sales. Although we are optimistic about the prospects of Bitcoin, this incident once again reminds us that the risks of the cryptocurrency market should not be ignored. Please remain cautious in your investment and treat every market fluctuation rationally.

In general, although the hacker attack caused considerable losses to Gala Games, the official team's quick response and effective measures avoided greater losses. This also sounded the alarm for us, reminding us to always be vigilant when conducting cryptocurrency transactions and to make adequate risk assessments and preventive measures. Follow the anchor and follow the homepage to continue sharing useful information#Gala遭黑客攻击 #山寨币热点 #Gala遭黑客攻击 #BTC #ETH