It is so common to hear advice not to get attached to an investment, which I agree with, but is such advice valid for all occasions, after all, not everyone has enough capital to form a portfolio with good substance and there are variations, as is the case. in the case of PEPE, which don't even reach a cent on the dollar.

Instead, I believe, we must create goals and objectives, pay attention to graphs and news, learn to look at trends, even if we are not experts, so that hasty decisions do not take us off course, our path, the objective we want. we want to achieve so much.

DON'T GET MARRIED, but have an engagement or relationship, at least, that is healthy.

Be patient, be prudent in your choices and decisions, create your target point before even entering the operation and then leave happy and with a profit, as soon as you have reached it. Going out to earn a little and then coming back without the certainty that you returned at the right time... is it worth it? 🤔