Are Ethereum Based or Solana Based DeFis More Valuable?

Ethereum Based DeFis:

• Market Leader: Ethereum hosts the majority of DeFi projects. Leading DeFi protocols such as Uniswap, Aave, MakerDAO run on Ethereum.

• Large Ecosystem: Ethereum has a large community of users and developers. This enables more projects and innovations to emerge.

• Security and Maturity: Ethereum has been operating for a long time, making it considered a reliable and durable platform.

• EIP-1559 and Eth 2.0: Ethereum is constantly making updates to reduce transaction fees and increase transaction speed. It is expected to have a more scalable structure with Eth 2.0.

Solana Based DeFis:

• High Performance: Solana is known for its high transaction speeds and low transaction fees. This allows users to make faster and cheaper transactions.

• Increasing Popularity: Solana has a rapidly growing ecosystem in recent years. Projects such as Serum, Raydium and Mango Markets are running on Solana.

• Developer Support: Solana has a fast-growing developer community, increasing interest in DeFi projects.

• Scalability: Solana is more resilient to scalability issues, which means more users and transaction volume.


• Ethereum stands out as a more mature and reliable platform and offers a wide ecosystem and user base. However, high transaction fees and scalability issues may be a disadvantage for some users.

• Solana attracts attention with its high performance and low transaction fees. However, since it is a newer platform, it does not have as large an ecosystem as Ethereum.

Which platform is more valuable depends on the needs and priorities of users and developers.