The surge took over again‼ ️Both long and short positions were taken, killing killing killing‼ ️

It’s a pity‼ ️I didn’t take all the market this time‼ ️But I guess the fans took all the market‼ ️Because the surge of ETH happened in the middle of the night, I guess the fans who read my article and went long fell asleep and got up and took profits directly at the highest point🤣🤣

But I got up in the middle of the night, yes, let you go long Ethereum at 2880 to see 3500, and the day before yesterday, I also publicly posted to let everyone continue to go long at 3058, looking at 3500, I guess no one set a take profit, and got up this morning to eat all the gains🤣It just rose to the highest point, and it tripled when I got up🤣

I was not so comfortable🤣Occupational disease, no sleep, get up when the market is up🤣So I took profits near 3500‼ ️I haven't had a good sleep yet🤣 I ate more than 500 points

It's okay, fans just need to eat well🥹

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