[5.21 Market Research Report - Is the bull market back? What are the expectations? Spot market layout is successful again, how to participate in the second entry? Ethereum has stepped out of the structure and proved itself. Can it reach a new high? The main intraday price will fall back to support and then chase, no confirmation, no trading]


1. BTC

I still believe that there will be many people who will wait for a lower price if it falls. Even if I enter the market at 5.7-5.5, I will beep every day. When I say that the position has reached 5 layers again, if nothing unexpected happens, there will be people who will only wait for positions like 5.2 and 4.8 [and if it goes to 5.2, he will continue to wait for 4.8, and if it goes to 4.8, he will definitely wait for 4.2. This is human nature]

Don’t always slap your thighs afterwards, review more and punish yourself.

There are head and shoulders bottoms of both large and small structures. There is no position to do yesterday’s view. The space is very small. We need to test the 6.58 support and break it to have space. After trading for a long time, you will understand that it is not bullish if it rises and bearish if it falls. The structural confirmation is the signal

The view of looking at strength after 6.72 has been said for a few days, and there is no need to repeat the expectations for the future

Intraday thinking: Emotional aspect is coming

No position to enter the market

Itchy hands, little friends [This strategy has taken effect, please confirm it on the right side]

Backed by the right shoulder pressure of the big structure, 7.2-7.28, a wave of callback

15m ma20 Bollinger band middle track to judge the strength of the day [6.9-7 support]

Pressure 7.28 7.6 Support 6.9 6.85 6.75


You know it is awesome when it rises, but you don’t believe it when I advise you to buy it with your eyes closed near 2800.

The daily structure has been adjusted for so long, once it comes out, it will definitely be a big market

Ether at the 4h level yesterday showed signs of strengthening

In the afternoon, it will be inserted into the channel again, and the goal of new highs will continue

So Lao Ai dared to tell the brothers that these second-layer coins such as matic can be done

The current harmonic pressure of 0.618 is 3600

It is considered strong if it is maintained above 3450 during the day, and it will continue to look for new highs

The trend line support of 3250 is the key turning point

So the stop loss of 2800 and the breakthrough can be moved

3. Copycat

I won’t talk about the spot of the cycle. It has been almost a month and I have harvested it

Today’s avax pyth alt and these public orders have all made profits