#BTC走势分析 #合约爆仓 Stay away from contract following. First, don’t believe in the so-called winning rate. It is a completely inaccurate winning rate. I followed the ultra-short contracts of 4 people, and 3 of them immediately lost money and went bankrupt. And their data shows that the winning rate is extremely high, but they lose money like this repeatedly. And they never set a stop loss. They get liquidated indefinitely. Second, stay away from contract following operators you don’t understand, because most of them are the ones who carry orders and go bankrupt. When you make money, you make 1u, and when you lose money, you lose 500u. In short, it’s a dead end anyway. And they are all so-called high-quality contract traders, and they are definitely the combine harvesters of the bankers. If you see this dynamic, just close it and exit the contract following as soon as possible. Buy spot