Some simple thoughts on hoarding Bitcoin and when to cash it out, welcome to discuss

A reader friend asked, I have been following Bitcoin for two or three years, and now there is a question: After hoarding, under what circumstances can it be cashed out?

Originally, I wanted to answer him that when to cash out depends on his needs, and he can cash out when he needs it.

But I found it was not appropriate.

So, I replied, it depends on your purpose, why do you want to hoard? Solve this problem and then solve the problem of when to cash out.

He replied, for wealth growth!

Suddenly I found that the question I asked was a bit stupid. For most people, hoarding is for wealth growth.

So, this article will briefly talk about some simple views on when to cash out.

First of all, Bitcoin, as a high-quality asset, can be freely exchanged into legal tender of various countries at any time.

In other words, you don’t need to worry about the cashing out of Bitcoin.

Not now, and even less in the future.

Because its exchange will only become more and more convenient and more and more geographically, not the other way around.

But what about the other way around?

Will legal tender always be able to exchange Bitcoin?

This has to be questioned.

Just like if you use the previous legal currency gold yuan coupons to exchange for Bitcoin, it is estimated that no one will exchange it for you. Similarly, if you use Venezuela's 100 million to exchange it, it seems that not many people are willing to do so.

Legal currency can only be used in a specific period and in a specific country. After this stage, legal currency will no longer have any value. Maybe it will be used to cover the toilet?

It is not as useful as newspapers.

So based on this premise, consider the issue of Bitcoin's realization. Is it realization or currency?

Next, let's look at the specific realization issue.

Hoarding coins, when can it be realized?

Two standards, one is after two cycles, and the other is that the assets have increased tenfold.

Why is it determined like this?

Because only in this way can your income be very considerable, and you can truly improve your life.

We hoard coins not to make a little money.

We want to make a lot of money, right?

So during this period, you cannot realize it on demand. You need to suppress all your needs until you reach one of the two standards.

In order to achieve this goal, you have to try to use money that you will not use, even if it is an occasional accident.


Otherwise you will always create demand for yourself. No, I have to sell it. I have to buy it.

Then do you have to cash out when you reach the standard?

Of course not.

It just means that you can cash out on demand.

If you need it, you can cash out some of it as needed, and keep the rest in the market. After all, Bitcoin has been rising. Wait for another four years, and your cash may rise back.

Ideally, the annual increase after this can cover the annual spending needs, and you will need to sell fewer and fewer coins. As long as there are enough coins and the demand is small enough, you will achieve basic financial freedom.

This is the real purpose, right?

As for your concerns about Bitcoin returning to zero, being dealt with, and being unable to cash out, then it’s up to you. You can change it if you want.

I can’t convince you.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, follow Brother Wang. Junyangli publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day.   #BTC