You can look down on Trump's malicious hype for the election, but you have to admire such people, because in reality only such people have a greater chance of success and know how to market themselves. The first election used the Internet to attract voters, while this time it used cryptocurrency to attract them! This is a person who plays the market and knows how to make money! And this second showdown between Trump and Biden is likely to depend on the attitude towards the currency circle! The showdown between new money and old money!

Trump called for "If you support cryptocurrency, you'd better vote for me"!

Former US President Donald Trump publicly supported cryptocurrency at a special event held for his NFT holders on the 8th, and called for: "If you support cryptocurrency, you'd better vote for me." He announced that he would stop the US hostility to cryptocurrency, let cryptocurrency operators stay in the United States, and said that cryptocurrency donations would be open.

It is worth noting that Trump had a negative attitude towards cryptocurrency in the past, and only in March this year did he affirm the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency. Therefore, this change of position does not rule out the possibility of attracting the support of voters in the cryptocurrency field.

Azteco Marketing Director: Working with Trump to Develop Cryptocurrency Policy

Recently, David Bailey, Marketing Director of Azteco, tweeted that they have been working with the Trump campaign team to develop a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency policy agenda over the past month. Bailey said: We have prepared a comprehensive executive order for President Trump, which he plans to sign on his first day in office. I will announce these details soon.

Trump plays with NFT! Hosting NFT dinners to attract big buyers

How could Trump give up every opportunity to make money? In order to make money, he also deliberately issued his own NFT cards to make money.

Trump Digital Trading Cards currently has 3 series.

The first series was released in December 2022, with 45,000 cards. These NFTs were cast on Polygon, and the standard version of the cards were sold at $99 each. Customers who buy 45 cards can get a ticket to the NFT dinner. According to OpenSea data, all 45,000 NFTs were sold out in about 12 hours at the time.

The second series was released on April 19, 2023, maintaining the price of $99 per ticket, and sold out 5 hours after release, earning $460!$BTC #