Pay attention to the currency with low market value, large circulation, and strong will always be strong

Ethereum Ecosystem

On May 23, the SEC voted on whether the Ethereum ETF will be approved. The market unanimously believes that it will be postponed. If it is approved, it will take off directly.

SSV: 400 million US dollars are basically fully circulated, 90% of the circulation, the potential of SSV is simply a rocket ready to go.

Gamefi Section

Ygg: Lao Chen mentioned this token two days ago. He began to explore the transformation of guilds into infrastructure layers. So basically all games are related to it, and the future is promising.

Oracle Section

api3: 220 million US dollars market value, 80% circulation.

SOL Ecosystem

$jup and $jto are two ecological leaders worth paying attention to!

bome: Sol Ecosystem has 800 million US dollars, Wall Street capital behind the full circulation, Sol is an American project, and meme has performed the most eye-catching this year.

RWA Section

Currently favored by large Wall Street institutions, the involvement of Jewish capital, long-term benefits, pay attention to the leaders of the RWA section including Ondo, Polyx and Tru, whose small market value is almost unlocked.

Ondo: $1.4 billion, 13% in circulation, Wall Street Capital, Coinbase's RWA project has cooperated with Sol. The Ondo platform has cooperated with BlackRock to issue bonds.

Polyx: $395 million, 80% in circulation, an institutional-level licensed blockchain RWA sector built specifically for institutional assets.

TRU: $148 million in market value, 80% in circulation, the sector is actually small, almost fully unlocked, a16z investment, the founder is a Google engineer.

AI sector

LPT: Don't look at its small market value now, but it is definitely a potential stock, miss it and wait for ten years! Next week on May 22, Nvidia will release its financial report. The leading project of the AI ​​sector, LPT, has shown good resistance to declines.