Is it possible to earn 20,000u with 200u in one year?

Below are my trading results. All transaction records and order plans can be found on my homepage, including the transaction date.

The value of 200 US dollars increases to 300 US dollars, and the total assets increase by 50%. It took less than a month. No leverage will be used during this period, but every investment is all in and a 10% stop loss is set.

If total assets grow at a rate of 50% per month:

1 month: 200-300

2 months:300-450

3 months:450-675

4 months:675-1012

5 months:1012-1518

6 months:1518-2277

7 months:2277-3415

8 months:3415-5122

9 months:5122-7683

10 months:7683-11524

11 months:11524-17286

12 months:17286-25929

One year later, 200u became 25929u.

No need to join any bullshit community, no need to pay me any money, no need to take orders from me. Before every transaction, I will place an order for free for the whole world to see. Just help me prove whether the math is correct or not.