There is basically no information gap in traditional asset income. If you want to achieve financial freedom or get on the right track, it will take a very long time. If you are an investor who has invested in the traditional circle for a long time and has established a stable investment system or has sufficient capital, it is not particularly recommended that you enter the cryptocurrency circle to seek gold. Although there may be more opportunities, the cryptocurrency circle is full of pitfalls beyond your cognition, and your cognition cannot cover even a tiny bit of the information in the cryptocurrency circle.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of coming to the cryptocurrency circle is to quickly accumulate the first pot of gold. One of the investment methods that the community recommends is 0-cost investment. When the token doubles, various communities will call for doubling the capital. After the capital is released, you can make profits run freely with 0-cost investment. If the number of capital releases is sufficient, there may be 10 or 8 zero-cost investment targets, then your investment will become very comfortable. The first or second capital release may be more difficult. Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you can get started and stick to it, you will feel comfortable later. If you are a novice with little capital, this path is the most suitable. This may be the best shortcut to accumulate funds in the early stage. Even if it is not as profitable as before, there are a large number of investors who can bear high risks and various financial innovations that do not exist in the traditional circle, and the potential returns are also the highest. When I first entered the circle, the targets I could understand were only exchanges and public chains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Now the overall ecology of the cryptocurrency circle is more complete, but the projects I can understand are still the same as before. People who are new to the circle are often more receptive to emerging things, just like I needed to spend time to understand DeFi before. I hope you can have good luck and enter the circle to ambush targets that have not been fully developed. Of course, don't pursue high risks too much. High risks sometimes do not necessarily mean high returns. Understand the logic behind it and then invest calmly. It is easiest to get rewards by calming down and studying when the market is light. Delve into areas that you can understand instead of following the crowd. In the circle, choices are more important than hard work.

The above are just some of my small insights, recorded in my spare time. I hope you can give me some advice.