Believe it or not the ⛔️STRK⛔️ project is a fraud project, a scam, this token will go to 0.05 in the coming weeks, it's a crypto with a team of crooks, give me a person who is not a loser on this token of 🤮….. in February I lost 50% of my money on the STRK in peasant that it was a good project but it is the most broken project that I have seen in crypto.

Binance should delist from bullshit layer 2 🚨

Sell ​​sell and sell

The developers pay themselves with your liquidity wake up, for 3 months now all the cryptos are going up and down and then you have the STRK which only makes it go down.

Personally, I sold all the STRKs at 1.5

And I advised him in a post like this.

And now I tell you sell if you don't want to go back to $0