The speed and growth of life make us forget to enjoy the very life we ​​are looking for.

- You are looking for ways to improve the family, you lack time to relax with the family.

- You fire a job, you get a job, you live complaining, you don't like the job

- In your street you don't know anyone more than your closest neighbor but you chat with more than 100 people online

- When you buy clothes, they tell you it is out of fashion

- The phone is whole, there is no problem, but you need a new one that came out

- Plastic plants are sold more expensive than real ones

- You eat the same type of food for more than 3 months because it is faster to cook or buy

- If you don't have internet, there is nothing else you can do except sleep

- Before you get the money, plan it well, if you get it, it's already over and you haven't done what you planned...